4 Types of Blue Light That Are Actually Good For You
Blue light has been getting a bad rap. But it turns out that blue light can actually be beneficial.
Thursday, Sep 19th, 2019
Previous Post Next PostIf you haven’t seen blue light in the news recently, you’ve either been living in a cave or are purposely avoiding the subject. It’s been linked to everything from obesity and depression to stress and low libido. So, what gives?
The truth is, blue light can actually be extremely beneficial.
We need blue light to modulate our sleep wake cycles (circadian rhythm), and regulate different metabolic systems in our bodies. It’s what gives they sky and the sea their swimmingly beautiful hues. In fact, we’ve basically evolved with the sun, and have neurological pathways in our brains that specifically respond to blue light wavelengths.
With that in mind, here are four types of “good” blue light that don’t get enough love:
1. Blue light that kills bacteria
Antimicrobial blue light in the region of 405 nanometers is emerging as an alternative technology for hospital decontamination and clinical treatment. Take that, creepy crawlies!
2. Blue light that heals acne
Blue light in the range of 405-420 nanometers kills P. acnes bacteria in skin. With frequent, short exposures, the American Academy of Dermatology says blue light therapy it has relatively few, if any, adverse effects.
3. Blue light to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
While “lux” (amount of light) is often the primary lighting metric in SAD lamps, some studies have shown that narrow-band blue light in the 440-480 range can help some people who don’t respond to white light therapy.
4. Blue light that increases energy, productivity, and focus
Considered “circadian friendly,” this type of blue light helps our bodies regulate things like melatonin production. Light-sensitive proteins called melanopsins are sensitive to blue light with a wavelength of 465-495. During the day, this wavelength helps us stay energized and alert. But too much of it at night can throw off our sleep wake cycle and our natural biological rhythms. So avoiding it once the sun goes down is key.
The real issue with blue light is the type, the amount, and the time of day you’re exposed to it.
Ultimately, understanding when and how to regulate your blue light exposure is the best approach to finding balance. Because blocking out all blue light from your life won’t improve your overall health and well-being. It will just make you feel, well….pretty blue.
Learn more about energizing Brilli Charge Up light bulbs.